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Financial District
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With their low correlation to other asset classes, our investments in financial alternatives provide ICA with diversification and enhanced risk-adjusted returns.


We believe that our ability to select and build long-term relationships with the best global managers across strategies and regions is central to achieving our goals.

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We take a holistic view of our portfolio, recognising that success derives from a constantly evolving balance between managers with complementary approaches and strategies.


In a market where opportunities are often fleeting, we continuously explore new ideas and welcome dialogue with new and innovative managers, irrespective of size.

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Our portfolio comprises investments in discretionary and systematic hedge funds, complemented by non-traditional funds.


We have a flexible mandate that ranges from large investments in globally recognised managers, to smaller allocations or seed investments in new or more niche managers.


Our investments in hedge funds are divided into diversifying strategies, comprising Systematic and Discretionary Macro, and return-enhancing strategies, comprising Event Driven, Equity Hedge and Relative Value.


We also have an Emerging Opportunities mandate, which explores ideas that sit outside of ICA’s traditional asset classes, and a small internally managed portfolio that invests in systematic strategies.


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ICA’s Alternative Investments Department comprises professionals with broad experience of investing in some of the world’s most respected and innovative hedge funds.


Together, they are responsible for selecting and managing our portfolio of investments in external funds.

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