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Image by Markus Spiske
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Equities make up the largest percentage of assets in our portfolio, reflecting our confidence in their ability to generate consistent returns over time.


We believe that markets are mostly efficient, but that temporary mispricings can be captured through active management and a dynamic and flexible investment process.


We have a culture of sharing knowledge and debating ideas within and across our teams, which supports the investment decision making process.


For our actively managed public market mandates, we use fundamental analysis to select stocks and we are continuously exploring the latest technology to stay at the forefront of the industry.



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We invest in global equities through a combination of internal teams and externally managed funds.


ICA's network of external managers invest actively in companies around the world, with an emphasis on quality, value, earnings growth potential and momentum.


We also employ a sizeable team of internal portfolio managers, with the autonomy to invest in ways that are appropriate to the specifics of their respective markets.


Our passively managed investments seek to replicate the performance of global market indices, while adding marginal value through prudent and selective trading activities.




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The Equities Department is an active investor in public equity markets across all major geographies through both internal teams and external managers.


The Department focuses on identifying markets where it believes active management has a systematic advantage as well as selecting uniquely skilful managers with highly differentiated investment approaches.


By applying this well-defined investment approach in a disciplined manner, the Department believes it will achieve its excess return objective over time.




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